We are not the only team developing low-cost ventilator technology and here we list those that meet the following criteria:
- Have considered safety and system limitations
- Have a plan to produce at scale with established industrial groups
- Have received or are seeking regulatory approval
All these groups have responded to the needs of their communities with passion and compassion and an amazing degree of collaboration. Many of these projects have used information from our work and then gone much further!
Ashok Leyland Ventilator
Sundaram Ventago
Mahindra Ventilator
Propel Ventilator
Irish Manufacturing Center & Molone Group
TU Delft Operation Air
Universidad de Chile
U. de Chile podría producir hasta 200 ventiladores mecánicos semanales
Universidad de Concepción
Ventilador mecánico desarrollado por la U. de Concepción y Asmar inició pruebas en humanos
PAT Industrial Solutions & TersaInox S.A. (Hope E-Vent)
Ventiladores made in Chile – La apuesta de bajo costo de un emprendedor chileno
Teccap-TPI (Oxygena VMI-19)
Oxygena: El ventilador mecánico fabricado en Chile que está cerca de ser utilizado por el Minsal
Hecho en Chile: los ventiladores que salvan vidas en Valparaíso
Coronavirus: Israeli researchers design low-cost open-source ventilator
Israeli defense company begins production of thousands of advanced ventilators
GPA INNOVA Respira, Barcelona
SEAT & Protofy.xyz, Catalonia, Spain
‘Basic’ ventilator breathes air into Spain’s choked ICUs
JMA Wireless, Syracuse, NY & Bologna, Italy
Coronavirus: Tech company in Clay designs emergency ventilator, gives away blueprints
PREVAIL NY by JMA Offers Free, Open-Source Emergency Mechanical Ventilation System Blueprints to All Manufacturers
U.S. Universities
Rice University ApolloBVM
Stanford Biodesign: One Breath
University of Minnesota Coventor